The World Bank: Membership, Governance, and Leadership

The World Bank: Membership, Governance, and Leadership

The World Bank: At AsiaGlobalBank, we are committed to providing you with the most comprehensive information on global financial institutions. Here, we will discuss about the World Bank, which is one of the leading international organizations in the world.

The World Bank was founded

The World Bank was founded in 1944, and its primary goal was to help rebuild Europe after World War II. Since then, its focus has expanded to alleviating poverty and promoting sustainable economic growth in developing countries around the world.

History and Mission of the World Bank

The World Bank is made up of two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). The IBRD provides loans, credits and other financial assistance to middle-income countries and low-income countries. On the other hand, IDA provides loans, grants and other assistance at zero or low interest to the world's poorest countries.

Fighting poverty with passion and professionalism for sustainable results is the mission of the World Bank. They work in partnership with governments, civil society organizations and the private sector to help countries reduce poverty, increase economic growth and improve the quality of life of their people.

Membership and Governance

The World Bank has 189 member countries, and each member country has a representative on the Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body of the Bank. The Board of Governors meets once a year to discuss and approve the overall strategy and policies of the Bank.

The day-to-day operations of the World Bank are overseen by the Board of Executive Directors, which is made up of 25 directors appointed by member countries. The President of the World Bank is appointed by the Board of Executive Directors and serves as the chief executive officer of the Bank.

Ajay Banga Selected 14th President of the World Bank

Work of the world bank

The World Bank works with its member countries to develop and implement projects and programs that promote economic growth and reduce poverty. Some of the key areas of focus of the bank include education, health, infrastructure, agriculture and climate change.

The Bank provides financial assistance to countries through a variety of instruments, including loans, grants, guarantees and risk management products. In addition, the Bank provides technical assistance and advisory services to help countries develop and implement policies and programs that promote economic growth and reduce poverty.

The Bank is also committed to promoting transparency, accountability and good governance in the countries with which it operates. It has developed a number of tools and initiatives to help countries strengthen their governance systems and promote transparency and accountability in the use of public resources.

Impact of the work of the World Bank

Since its founding in 1944, the World Bank has helped lift millions of people out of poverty and promote sustainable economic growth in developing countries around the world. For example, the Bank has helped improve access to education and healthcare, increase access to clean water and sanitation, and develop critical infrastructure such as roads and power grids.

In addition, the Bank has been a leader in the global fight against climate change. It is committed to increasing its funding for climate-related projects and programs, and it is working with its member states to help them transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy.

The World Bank_ Membership, Governance, and LeadershipThe World Bank_ Membership, Governance, and Leadership

Overview: The World Bank

TopicSummaryFounded1944First PersidentEugene MeyerPurposeThe World Bank is a global financial institution that provides loans, grants, and technical assistance to developing countries with the goal of reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development.MembershipThe World Bank is made up of 189 member countries. Each member country is represented by its government and has a say in the institution's policies and programs.GovernanceThe World Bank is governed by a Board of Executive Directors, which is responsible for making decisions on loans, policies, and strategies. The President of the World Bank is appointed by the Board and serves as the institution's chief executive officer.LeadershipThere have been 12 presidents of the World Bank since its founding in 1944. The current president is David Malpass.Focus AreasThe World Bank's focus areas include poverty reduction, education, health, climate change, infrastructure, and private sector development.FinancialsThe World Bank has a capital base of over $200 billion and provides about $60 billion in loans and grants annually. Its main sources of funding include member country contributions, capital market borrowings, and loan repayments.OperationsThe World Bank operates in over 100 countries and has offices around the world. Its operations include lending for projects, technical assistance, and policy advice.CriticismsThe World Bank has faced criticism over its lending policies, which some argue have led to increased debt burdens for developing countries. It has also faced criticism for its governance structure, which some argue favors developed countries over developing ones.PartnershipsThe World Bank works with a range of partners, including other international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, to achieve its development goals.Total Persident14th Persident Ajay Banga 14th President Elected 2023

List of presidents in World Bank

List of presidents working in World Bank till now and their tenure

SLPresident NameWorking YearYears of Service1Eugene Meyer1946–194602John J. McCloy1947–194923Eugene R. Black1949 – 1963144George Woods1963 – 196855Robert McNamara1968 – 1981136Alden W. Clausen1981 – 198657Barber Conable1986 – 199158Lewis T. Preston1991 – 199549James D. Wolfensohn1995 – 20051010Paul Wolfowitz2005 – 2007211Robert Zoellick2007 – 2012512Jim Yong Kim2012 – 20197–Kristalina Georgieva (acting)2019 – 2019013David Malpass2019 – 2022314Ajay Banga2023 – Present

Chief Economists: World Bank Chief Economists

NameDatesNationalityHollis B. Chenery1972–1982 United StatesAnne Osborn Krueger1982–1986 United StatesStanley Fischer1988–1990 United States and  IsraelLawrence Summers1991–1993 United StatesMichael Bruno1993–1996 IsraelJoseph E. Stiglitz1997–2000 United StatesNicholas Stern2000–2003 United KingdomFrançois Bourguignon2003–2007 FranceJustin Yifu Lin2008–2012 ChinaKaushik Basu2012–2016 IndiaPaul Romer2016–2018 United StatesShanta Devarajan (Acting)2018–2018 United StatesPenny Goldberg 2018–2020 United StatesAart Kraay (Acting)2020–2020Carmen Reinhart2020–2022 United StatesIndermit Gill2022–present India


Finally, the World Bank is an important international organization dedicated to fighting poverty and promoting sustainable economic development in developing countries around the world. Through its financial support, technical support and advisory services, the Bank has helped improve the lives of millions of people and promote a more equitable and sustainable world.

We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the World Bank and its functions. If you would like to learn more about the Bank or its projects and programs, please visit their website at


Q: What is the World Bank?

A: The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to developing countries with the aim of sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.

Question: How many members are there in the World Bank?

A: The World Bank has 189 member countries.

Q: Who are the members of the World Bank?

A: World Bank members include most of the world's countries except some of the wealthiest countries such as Monaco, Liechtenstein and Andorra.

Q: How is the World Bank governed?

A: The World Bank is governed by its Board of Governors, which is composed of one governor from each member country and one alternate governor. The Board of Governors is responsible for major policy decisions, such as setting the World Bank's lending policies and approving its capital increases.

Q: What is the voting power of World Bank members?

Answer: Each member of the World Bank is allotted a certain number of votes, based on the member's financial contribution to the institution. The United States has the largest voting share, followed by Japan, China, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Q: How does a country become a member of the World Bank?

A: A country becomes a member of the World Bank by subscribing to the Articles of Agreement, which is the legal framework governing the institution. A country must also make an initial capital contribution to the World Bank, which is based on its economic size and development needs.

Q: What is the role of the World Bank in promoting sustainable development?

Answer: The World Bank plays an important role in promoting sustainable development by providing financing and technical assistance to developing countries. The organization works to reduce poverty and inequality, promote economic growth, and support environmentally sustainable development.

Q: How does the World Bank prioritize its lending?

Answer: The World Bank prioritizes its lending based on the development needs of its member countries. It focuses on sectors such as education, health, infrastructure and social safety net, as well as sectors such as agriculture, energy and water. The World Bank also emphasizes on governance and institution building.

Q: How does the World Bank measure the impact of its programs?

Answer: The World Bank measures the impact of its programs in a variety of ways, including conducting surveys, analyzing data, and using feedback from its clients. It also evaluates its programs to assess their effectiveness and make improvements as needed.

Q: How can countries access World Bank funding?

A: Countries can access World Bank funding by submitting a request for funding to the institution. The World Bank evaluates each request based on the country's development needs, its policy framework, and its ability to effectively manage funds. When approved, the World Bank provides financing in the form of loans, grants or guarantees.

Q. How Many Members in World Bank?

As of May 2023, the World Bank has 189 member countries. These countries are represented by their respective governments, which decide on the policies and programs of the organization.

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